Chipewyan Prairie First Nation is a Denésoliné community located in northeastern Alberta approximately 120 kilometres south of Fort McMurray. Denésoliné us the mother tongue of Chipewyan Prairie First Nation members born before 1987. Since time immemorial to the present day, the members and ancestors of Chipewyan Prairie First Nation have derived their livelihood, culture and identity from hunting and gathering throughout their traditional lands (No Ha' Nene) that radiate outward from the Christina River watershed.

The administrative base for the Nation is located on reserve Janvier 194, which is located immediately contiguous to the off-reserve hamlet of Janvier, which is administered by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Comprising members of Chipewyan Prairie First Nation and non-status Métis families and individuals residing within the hamlet of Janvier, the community of Janvier (the 'Community') is situated in northeastern Alberta adjecent to Bohn Lake. All weather secondary Highway 881 connects the hamlet of Janvier and the main settlement on Janvier Reserve 194 to the urban centres of Fort McMurray and Lac La Biche.

A Chief and three Councillors, whom are elected under a custom electoral system, govern Chipewyan Prairie First Nation. Chief and Council engage the Nation's Elders and community members on matters that affect the Community as a whole. While the Nation is a member of the Athabasca Tribal Council (ATC) and the Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta, neither organization is authorized to consult on behalf of the Nation on matters that affect Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Treaty and Aboriginal rights.